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Dr. Paritosh Kumar Rajput( MBBS, MD,DM) is a Interventional Cardiologist from Indore extending his expertise in treating cardiovascular illness through catheter based/percutaneous approach. 

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Top Heart Specialist in Indore (Electrophysiology Study)

Top heart specialist in indore

We are all aware that the human heart is a vital organ whose rhythmic function is critical for overall health. We also understand that today’s health concerns are growing day by day, and maintaining a healthy heart requires proper wellness. In the modern era, maintaining good health is simple just because of new technology. And that’s why electrophysiology comes into play. Electrophysiology is essential for diagnosing and treating abnormalities in the heart’s electrical system and ensuring proper cardiac rhythm and function.

Let’s Talk with a Top Heart Specialist in Indore and Get to Know More About Electrophysiology.

Firstly, understand Electrophysiology Studies (EPS), An electrophysiology study examines your heart’s electrical activity. It helps in the diagnosis of abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias). During the surgery, thin, flexible tubes known as catheters are placed into a blood vessel in your groin or neck and sent to your heart. Electrodes on the catheters capture your heart’s electrical signals, offering a precise image of its beat.

When is an EPS Necessary?

As per Heart Specialist Doctor Indore, electrophysiology is needed when you face the listed experience:
● Fluttering or racing heartbeats (tachycardia)
● Slow heartbeats (bradycardia)
● Skipped beats
● Chest pain or tightness
● Lightheadedness or dizziness
● Difficulty breathing

The electrophysiological test helps you identify the source and type of arrhythmia, allowing your Best Cardiologist in Indore to propose the best course of action.

Diagnosis: Treatment Options through Electrophysiology

Electrophysiology tests more than just diagnosis. Based on your EPS test results, your doctor may recommend the best diagnosis and treatment procedures to correct your arrhythmias, including:
Catheter Ablation: This procedure utilizes radiofrequency energy to create small, targeted scars on the heart tissue responsible for the abnormal rhythm, effectively interrupting the faulty electrical signals.
Pacemaker Implantation: A Pacemaker is a tiny device placed in your chest that transmits electrical signals to your heart, regulating its rhythm.
Defibrillator Implantation: An implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) continuously monitors your heart rhythm. If it detects a life-threatening arrhythmia, the ICD delivers an electric shock to restore a normal rhythm.

Benefits of Electrophysiology

Top Heart Specialist in Indore highlighted the positive aspects. We all know that early detection and treatment of arrhythmias are essential for preserving good heart health and avoiding consequences like cardiac failure or stroke. Electrophysiology tests provide substantial advantages.
● A precise evaluation of arrhythmias
● Minimal invasive treatment options
● Enhanced cardiac rhythm and cardiovascular health.
● Improved standard of living

Finding the Right Care for Your Heart

If you have health concerns about your heart rhythm, visit the Best Cardiologist in Indore, who specializes in electrophysiology. These specialists know how to help you through the necessary testing and treatment options, leading to a healthier and more regulated heartbeat.

Feel free to contact us if you are facing any related problems.

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